
Baking Industry Research Trust (BIRT), NZ

During October 2023 BIRT ran technology transfer seminars in Auckland and Christchurch, New Zealand for cereals producers, millers and bakers.  BakeTran’s contributions to the events were presentations on ‘Flour Characteristics & Reports’ and ‘Energy Transfer in CBP Mixing Equipment – Managing Dough Development’.  In addition to the seminar presentations, BakeTran visited a number of commercial bakeries to provide technical insights into breadmaking and the NZ Plant & Food Research facility in Christchurch to discuss the fundamentals of dough mixing.

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

University College Birmingham’s 2nd Annual Bakers Gathering

On 22nd May 2023 UCB provided an opportunity to the baking industry to view their bakery and science facilities and meet their graduating bakery degree students.  Stan Cauvain spoke about ‘A World of Flour Milling and Baking’ which described his personal journey and some recent technical developments in baking.


Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

Book Release by Cauvain and Clark

Baking Technology and Nutrition: Towards a Healthier World presents an innovative and much needed study of the changes taking place in the world of baking.  Discussion focuses on new avenues open to bakers seeking to improve the nutritional value of their products.

Friday, March 10th, 2023

Baking with Lupins

Lupin flour is high in protein and fibre which can be beneficial in healthier bakery products.  In the Autumn edition of Baking Europe 2023 (36-41) we discuss how ‘Lupin products can make healthier cakes’ using findings from our research programme in Australia.

BakeTran in Australia and South East Asia

We continue to support the Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre based in Perth, WA, with their technical extension project identifying applications for Australian wheat in SE Asia.  The project has developed a greater understanding of the principles which underpin breadmaking and is set to deliver a series of practical workshops in SE Asia.

Celebrations and Announcements

We have two celebrations to announce this year.  The first is BakeTran has been supporting many millers and bakers worldwide for the last 20 years.  The second is that Rosie has been with us for 10 of those years helping us to develop our business.  We are also pleased to announce that in the last 12 months we have welcomed Regina Buswell into the team where she is supporting our product development projects.

Recent Book Chapters

We have recently contributed 3 chapters to the ICC Handbook of 21st Century Cereal Science and Technology (eds Shewry, Koksel and Taylor, 2023), published by Elsevier.  They are ‘Dry Milling of Wheat and Other Products’, ‘Western Breads: Current Technologies and Future Challenges’ and ‘Soft Wheat Products’ (biscuits, cakes and cookies).

Collectively, this book highlights the importance of cereals and presents insights into the structure of cereal grains.  It encompasses the 8 most commonly grown cereals and a number of pseudocereals.   This comprehensive review will help with the dissemination of cereal science and technology, the development of international standard testing methods and provide a sound basis for future cereals research.

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

Dough Mixing and Processing

Two recent articles by BakeTran discussed important aspects of dough mixing and processing.  In Baking Europe, Spring 2023 (42-46), we consider ‘How the recording of dough development can help deliver consistent bread quality’ and in Cereal Technology, 01/2023, (12-18), the importance of ‘Managing temperature and time in breadmaking’.

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

Bumping up Fibre in Sweet Bakery Goods

The potential for increasing the levels of dietary fibre in cakes and pastries are discussed by Cauvain and Clark in an article in the Nov/Dec 2022 edition of  The World of Food Ingredients.  Avoiding adverse changes in texture will be critical for consumer acceptance of such products.

Wednesday, January 25th, 2023