Our books can be obtained directly from the relevant publisher or from www.amazon.co.uk and amazon.com

Breadmaking: Improving Quality 3rd Edition
Food Science and Technology said of the first edition “This very readable and informative book is destined to become a staple reference work for technologists, researchers and students.” With comprehensive updating, revisions and new chapters, this third edition will continue to help readers to understand the latest developments in breadmaking science and practice.

Baking Technology and Nutrition: Towards a Healthier World by Stanley P. Cauvain and Rosie H. Clark
An indispensable and timely resource for technologists, manufacturers and healthcare practitioners working in today’s food and nutritional industries. This book offers practical guidance on developing, delivering and promoting nutritionally enhanced bakery products. It explores the opportunities for reducing salt, fat and sugar, and increasing fibre and suggests real-world solutions to problems arising from poorly defined quality guidelines.

Baking Problems Solved 2nd Edition
A compendium of problems and solutions. The highly popular publications ‘Baking Problems Solved’ 2nd edition and ‘More Baking Problems Solved’ have been combined to form an extensively revised 2nd edition of ‘Baking Problems Solved’ (published by Elsevier). With significant additions related to problem solving and new problems and solutions, the Q&A format of the new edition has valuable information for all bakers and related suppliers.

Baked Products: Science, Technology and Practice
This book explores baked products in a way that you’ve never seen before whilst covering the key technical aspects of bread, cakes and pastries. ISBN-10 0 632 05327 5 ISBN-13 978 0632 05327 8 Publisher: Blackwell Publishing

Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality – Water Control and Effects – 2nd edition
The management and control of water during preparation, processing, baking, cooling and storage is essential for the optimisation of product quality. This highly practical book describes the role and control of water in the formation of cake batters, bread, pastry, and biscuit doughs, in their subsequent processing and in the baked product. ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-7613-2 Publishers: Wiley-Blackwell

The ICC Handbook of Cereals, Flour, Dough & Product Testing – Methods and Applications, 2nd Edition
An integrated approach examining the many applications of cereals testing methods starting with the needs of cereal breeders, on to the farm and into the grain store, through the flour mill and on to the cereal product manufacturer and finally reaching the end product and consumers. All major cereals and their many uses are covered. It provides a comprehensive summary of the relevance of the testing methods employed along with descriptions of the testing equipment available. It is an edited publication with contributions from international experts. ISBN: 978-1-932078-99-2 Publisher: DESTech Publications, Inc

The Chorleywood Bread Process
This is the most up-to-date work on the Chorleywood Bread Process. It covers its history and details the principles and practice of the process. It contains recipes for a variety of bread production and quality optimisation for products made by CBP and looks at the application of CBP around the world. ISBN 1 85573 962 3 Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Ltd

Breadmaking: Improving Quality- 2nd edition
Food Science and Technology said of the first edition ‘This very readable and informative book is destined to become a staple reference work for technologists, researchers and students. With comprehensively updated, revised and enlarged coverage (6 new chapters), the second edition will help readers to understand the latest developments in breadmaking science and practice.

Technology of Breadmaking
3rd edition It sets out to identify and present recent new knowledge, as well as to update information from the two previous editions. This book continues to bridge the gap between baking science and practice by providing technical coverage of the complex processes that link together to make bread and fermented products. ISBN 978-3-319-14686-7 ebook ISBN 978-3-319-14687-4 Publisher: Springer (1st edition available in Spanish language, Fabicació de Pan, ISBN 84-200-0983-0 Editorial Acrbia, S.A.)
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